A training seminar was held in Ulughnor district of Andijan region with the participation of scientific staff of «Cotton Industry Scientific Center» JSC.


In order to ensure the implementation of statement No. 12 of the Cotton Council, the scientific staff of «Cotton Industry Scientific Center» JSC held a training seminar for cotton ginning enterprises’ technical staff, zone 1-2 commodity experts, laboratory technicians and farm managers in Ulugnor district of Andijan province. At the training seminar, the head of the laboratory of Cotton Selection, Seeding and Cultivation ITI, Professor F.M. Khasanova, director of the Andijan experimental station of the ITI of Cotton Breeding and Cultivation Agrotechnologies k.x.f.d. I. Abdurakhmanov took part. At the seminar, technical employees of the enterprise and farm managers received answers based on scientific recommendations to their questions regarding cotton care activities.