The “Laboratory for drying, cleaning of raw cotton and production process dedusting” of the JSC “Pakhtasanoat Ilmi Markazi” under the supervision of Mr. Rustam Jamolov, PhD, Senior Researcher, conducts the research on the topic «Improvement of the process of preparing the drying agent and development of a universal heat generator».
In-depth analysis of the existing methods for the preparation of drying agent and existing equipment, its design, principles of operation was carried out, existing strengths and advantages were taken into account. In particular, the construction and technological processes of the widely used heat generators such as IIH-1.9 and TG-1.5, especially their drawbacks, have been studied in all respects. The ZSDWG-60 heat generator produced by the Chinese SWAN company, which is installed in the Juma ginnery in Samarkand region, was studied in a similar way.
According to the topic under study, a thorough analytical review of the design and technological features of a number of existing foreign samples was conducted, in particular VG — 0.09 produced by OJSC “Brestselmash”, TG-1.5; TDG; THV-250; AT-0.7; and KVN (catalytic air heater) produced by Poseidon LLC, Russia, Master GREEN 690SG manufactured in Italy, Roberts Gordon Combat PP 080 manufactured in the USA, Norgas CP NCA 1250 (Data obtained from Internet).
Based on the in-depth revision of the technological processes of preparation of the drying agent for raw cotton drying and comprehensive theoretical study of the existing equipment and facilities used in world practice, the most appropriate options were selected for further revision of their design and technological features. Quality characteristics of local cotton selections and availability of energy resources in the regions were also taking into account. The advantages and disadvantages of heat generators operating on various types of fuel, including diesel, natural and liquefied gas (propane), etc. were studied as well.
A new automated, energy efficient burner with significantly improved safe operation properties has been installed inside the present heat generator. Ignition and adjustment of the fuel supply is carried out automatically.
Based on the abovementioned theoretical studies, a model of the most acceptable version of a new universal heat generator was created, the pilot sample is currently being manufactured at our subsidiary company “RIM Ustakhonasi” (Fig. 1). Testing of the prototype is scheduled at the Baghdad Pilot Plant.