About 75th Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC)


In the period from 31 October to 4 November this year, Islamabad hosted the 75th Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), which received the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan participated in the PRI F.Sidikov. The event was attended by representatives of 14 member countries of the ICAC, four international organizations and countries that are not members of the committee.

During the meeting F.Sidikov delivered a speech (on the basis of received from HC «Uzpahtasanoateksport» data), in which the expressed readiness of Uzbekistan to hold the next 76th plenary meeting of the organization in Tashkent in 2017.

Speech by the Uzbek side has caused a positive reaction of organizers and participants, who unanimously supported the proposal to hold the next meeting of the ICAC in Uzbekistan. In particular, the executive director of this structure J.Sette expressed gratitude to the leadership of Uzbekistan for their willingness to accept the committee meeting, noting that Uzbekistan, as an economically developed and influential country in the region to hold the 76th meeting of the ICAC at the highest organizational and protocol level. The willingness of the Uzbek side to hold the next meeting of the organization is reflected in the final statement of the Committee.

J.Sette praised the results of his visit to Uzbekistan, during which he was impressed by the large-scale political and socio-economic reforms in the country. According to his estimates, the country in such a short period of independence achieved rapid economic growth and political stability.

The representative of Brazil said that had the honor to visit the Republic of Uzbekistan, where each guest will be impressed by the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Uzbek people, as well as the famous ancient cities as Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and others.

During the meeting held separate working group sessions, during which the following reports were presented to all member countries on the subjects of the Committee:

-maintenance cotton cultivation in the face of climate change and ways to reduce pollution;

water-problem in cotton, control and prevention of getting parasites on cotton;

-Role state in the cotton industry, cotton production new challenges,     opportunities and prospects of developing countries and others.

Also discussed were the issues of harmonization and adoption of the final declaration of the meeting of the plenary of the ICAC, the extension of the contract of the current executive director for two years, issues relating to the financial contributions of member countries of the ICAC, and the hearing of the representatives of Mozambique and Uzbekistan.

As a result of the event was the adoption of the final declaration (attached), and the powers J.Sette extended for two years. At the same time, the Indian delegation abstained from the candidates support the Executive Director and has proposed at contract renewal ICAC chapter based on specific results of its work during his tenure. It is also proposed to establish clear criteria for candidates for the post of Executive Director of ICAC