Cooperation with Cotton-Textile Cluster System


On May 28, 2018 JSC “Pahtasanoat Ilmiy Markazi (Scientific Center of the Cotton Industry) held a seminar on Introduction of the groundbreaking ideas into the System of the Cotton-Textile Clusters.

The seminar was attended by the heads of the Cotton-Textile Clusters currently operating in Uzbekistan, representatives from the Uzbek Ministry of Innovation Development, heads of the departments and specialists from JSC “Uzpahtasanoat”, scientists from the Tashkent State Institute of the Textile and Light Industry, representatives from the Uzbekistan State Agency of the Intellectual Property, specialists from domestic machine building industry, representatives of the foreign business, etc.  The following representatives of the foreign companies participated in the seminar – Mr. Tian Juo Jun, represented Shandong Swan Cotton Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd. (China), Mr. Shuraz Islam from Regent Spim (Bangladesh), and Mr. Khait Khakimov from NaanDanJain Irrigation Ltd. (Israel).

The seminar opening remarks were presented by Mr. Takhir Kuliev, Diretor General of the JSC “Pahtasanoat Ilmiy Markazi”.

The head of the Bulhara Cotton-Textile Agricultural cluster, Doctor of Science in Economics Mr. Rahmatov, presented his report “Cotton-Textile Cluster – the foundation of the innovative development”.

Mr. Sotvoldiev, the head of the Cotton-Textile Cluster “BEK cluster” located in Mirzaabad District of the  Syrdarya Region, shared the experience of his enterprise.

Mr. Rinat Gulyaev, Doctor of Engineering Science, First Deputy Director General for Science and Innovations issues at JSC “Pahtasanoat Ilmiy Markazi”, made presentation on “Techniques and technologies offered by the Center “SIFAT” and JSC “Pahtasanoat Ilmiy Markazi” for the use in Cotton-Textile Clusters”.

Mr. Alexander Ahmedov, the Lead Specialist of the External Relations Department, shared the analysis of the foreign technologies used in cotton consumption.

Mr. Irmatov, the head of the “Pahtagin” LLC provided detailed info on equipment, parts and spare parts for the cotton gin plants provided by domestic manufacturers.

Mr. Abdurzakov, specialist from the Ministry of the Innovative Development of Uzbekistan, PhD, and Mr. Khushvaktov, head of the division at the Ministry of Intellectual Property shared information on creation and development of the Cotton-Textile Clusters.

At the end of the seminar participants had Q&A session, discussed the problems related to organizational issues related to the creation and development of the Cotton-Textile Clusters and the ways of solution.


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