Cotton yield is increased to 50 centners


The Presidential Decree on additional measures for the further development of seed production of agricultural crops (PQ-106, 28.01.2022) was adopted.
With the decision, a number of additional tasks were assigned to the Seed Development Center.
The center organizes the sale of seeds of cotton, grain, vegetable, oil, leguminous and fodder crops to the domestic and foreign markets under the national brand «Uzbek Seeds».
11 seed production workshops of «Uzpakhtasanoat» JSC were given to the Center.
Interdepartmental working group on transfer of seed preparation workshops to the Center was approved.
A «roadmap» will be developed for the complete modernization of the seed and seed grain processing plants in 2022-2023.
In 2022-2025, the yield of cotton will reach 50 centners, and grain grain will reach 90 centners.
Agroclusters and farms are allowed to import the most productive varieties of cotton and sorghum crops and place them independently.