Meeting of collective


In JSC «Pakhtasanoat ilmy markazi» held a meeting of the team dedicated to the upcoming elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
With an opening meeting was opened by the General Director R.A.Gulyaev.
With information held in our country for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its importance in the socio-political life of our society made by a leading specialist Scientific N.A.Saidazimov center.
Chief specialist of the department of scientific and technical information and ICTs S.Usmanov spoke about the essence of elections, candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and their election platforms, the procedure for voting on election day.
The decision to hold appropriate explanatory work on this issue among the members of the team and at the place of residence of citizens, ensuring the active participation of voters in elections December 4, 2016.