A video selector meeting was held on the improvement of the waste management system and the ecological situation, and the implementation of the «Green Space» nationwide project.
(https://president.uz/uz/lists/view/4955) The task was set to increase the coverage of household waste collection to 95% and the volume of recycling to 40%.
The need to create a safe system of disposal of organic, construction and medical waste was noted.
It was announced that the national event «Green Year» will start on March 1.
Sostoyalos videoselectornoe soveshchanie (https://president.uz/ru/lists/view/4955) po uluchsheniyu sistemy obrascheniya s otkhodami i ekologicheskoy obstanovki, realizatsii obshchenatsionalnogo proekta «Green Space».
Postavlena zadacha dove okhwat uslugami po sboru otkhodov do 95 percent, uroven ix pererabotki — do 40 percent.
Automechena neobodimost sozdaniya bezapasnoy systemy utilizatsii organic, stroitelnyx, and meditsinskikh autokhodov.
The public campaign «Green God» has been announced for the first time.