The activities of the members of the Cotton Council during their next visit to Jarkurgan district


On September 12, 2022, the members of the Cotton Council and a group of scientists of the «Pakhtasanoat Scientific Center» JSC visited the field fields of the «Ali Adhambek» farm and the cotton ginning enterprise belonging to the «Termiz-Jaykhun Cluster» LLC and they visited the training facilities. During the visit, the state of readiness to receive seed cotton and cotton harvest of 2022 was seen. Sampling of picked cotton, scale room, laboratory and its equipment, storage areas, reserve water pools for fire fighting, underground water receivers, fire engine, fire fighting chalcones and water pumps were considered and directly participated in the process. At the same time, the state of readiness of the technological equipment of the enterprise for the initial processing of cotton was considered. Appropriate instructions and recommendations were given to eliminate the identified minor deficiencies.