The results of research on the fiber humidifier with the heating device of tray guide members


From the analysis of the literature, studying the properties of cotton fiber, the working hypothesis is put forward that the effective growth of the mass of bales with a likely increase in humidity uniformity is possible by heating the fibers in the wet.
To test the working hypothesis under the guidance of candidate of technical sciences R.Nazirov new method was established prior to the compression of fiber hydration and laboratory bench for its implementation, which provides effective and uniform fiber saturation moisture throughout the volume in order to avoid the drawbacks of existing methods for humidification.
The research in a laboratory humidifier fiber.
The main design and technical and operational performance: effective and uniform saturation of moisture around the fiber volume in the fiber capacity up to 3 t / h, the degree of uvlazhneniya- to 1.5-2.0%.
Efficiency Fiber moistening process prior to compression into the tray device and its degree of hydration is defined and uniform fiber saturation moisture throughout. Humidifier unit can be used to moisten the fibers prior to compression in the processing chain ginneries.