Training seminar in a scientific center


There was held a training seminar on “Using a modern system of measuring of modern cotton fiber” in “Paxtasanoat ilmiy markaz ” with Germany’s ”Textechno” company.

During the training, Kungler Guntram, a specialist at “Textechno” company, provided theoretical and practical skills on the using of modern cotton quality measurement systems and their using efficiency.

A part from it, useful training for the young scientific researches and specialists attended to the meeting and were able to update on the effective use of modern technology.

It is planned to use these measuring systems of Textechno in the research center in the following areas:

-carrying out of scientific researches on studying of qualitative indicators  of new   selective sorts of fibers, carrying out of scientific researches taking into account the quality of fiber while creating  new techniques and technologies;

-to determine automatically sorts and grades of cotton fibers according to the State standardization of Uzbekistan

– (HVI) determines the system according to the international (American) classification.  To sorts and grade according to the Uzbek classification are organallyiptical;

– In case of disagreements over the    quality of cotton fiber, arbitration method should be used in measuring quality indicators.

  -carrying out of measurements on defining   of fiber quality on the basis of orders of ginneries and textile industry and research enterprises.

This equipment differs from high precision of measurement results.