Two clusters in Uzbekistan received international certificates for organic cotton cultivation.


Next, the demand for textile products made of organic cotton is increasing in the world market.

Therefore, the world’s largest international brands are gradually switching to an environmentally friendly product production system. In particular, «Adidas», «H&M», and «Nike» brands plan to supply products based on organic cotton fiber by 2025. However, only 8% of the cotton grown in the world today is considered organic.

The growing need for organic cotton in the world is a good opportunity for Uzbekistan. In our country, practical work has been started in order to enter this new market and fill it with its own products.

In fact, in 2021, organic cotton cultivation was launched in the BCT Cluster in Bukhara and the TCT Cluster in the Tashkent region. This project was implemented in cooperation with the representative office of the German International Cooperation Society in our country and international certification organizations «CONTROL UNION».

It should be said that growing organic cotton has its own responsibilities and requirements. Because it is prohibited to use chemically treated seeds for planting, chemical and synthetic fertilizers in the process of cotton care, and to use chemical methods in the fight against insects and diseases. The whole process must be natural. Based on these requirements, organic cotton was grown on 105 hectares in the «BCT Cluster» cluster and 200 hectares in the «TCT Cluster» cluster in the 2021 season. The average yield was 35 centners in Bukhara and 31.2 centners in the capital region.
