Visit of Pakhtachili council to Tashkent region


On September 7, 2022, the secretary and members of the Cotton Scientific Council and the General Director of «Cotton Industry Scientific Center» JSC and a group of scientists visited the cluster «TCT agro cluster» in Kuyichirchik district of Tashkent region. During the visit, the S-8290 cotton variety planted in the cotton fields was inspected, for the cotton reception area, laboratory, and cotton preparation areas at the cotton ginning enterprise of the cluster: RBA (RPXS-1) type of threshing equipment, RP (RPXS-2) type of cotton the mechanism of failure-providing attachment to transport devices, the condition of KLP-650 belt conveyors was studied.

In addition, the Beruni cotton-making facility was inspected. Shortcomings were indicated and recommendations for elimination were given. Then he got acquainted with the newly built textile enterprise. Newly imported agricultural machinery belonging to the cluster was inspected.