World Cotton Research Conference — 7


The World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC) is held once every four years in different cotton growing countries. The previous conferences were held in Australia (1994), Greece (1998), South Africa (2003), USA (2007), India (2011) and Brazil (2016).The WCRC serves as a global platform for researchers and experts to share the latest updates in cotton research and development. The 5-day technical programme will include invited plenary lectures and keynote talks that feature world-renowned cotton scientists. The conference provides an opportunity for researchers to present their work through oral and poster presentations and for the private and public sector institutions to showcase their latest technologies and products. In 2020 the conference will take place on October 3-7 in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt.

The WCRC is organised jointly by the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) and the International Cotton Researchers Association (ICRA). The ICAC was set up in 1939 in Washington, DC, as an intergovernmental agency to assist member governments with information and policies on cotton. The ICRA is a global association of researchers that was set up by the ICAC in 2012 to foster research collaboration amongst cotton researchers across the globe.

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